The most comprehensive list of department defense websites last updated on Sep 1 2023.
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Sandia National Laboratories: Exceptional Service in the National Interest Sandia is a multiprogram engineering and science laboratory operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC. for the US Department of Energy''s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia''s enduring mission is to provide engineering and science support for America''s nuclear weapons stockpile. Sandia applies cutting-edge technologies in integrated microsystems, computer modeling and simulation, robotics and intelligent machines, sensors, microelectronics and photonics, nanotechnology, renewable energies, combustion research, biotechnology, computation and information sciences, electronics, materials and process sciences, pulsed power sciences, and environmental sciences.
Geo Owl - Full Motion Video, ISR, Intelligence, GEOINT, & IT Experts Geo Owl specializes in FMV, imagery, geospatial, intelligence, and IT services for the Department of Defense & Intelligence Community.
Common Access Card (CAC) Information for home use MilitaryCAC provides CAC installation assistance; Find information regarding the Department of Defense Common Access Card (CAC)
Find Government Bids | State and Local Government Bid Opportunities - GovCB.com GOVCB lists government bid, government contract, government bids, government contracts, bid contract awardS, bid matching, bid forecasts, sealed bids, contract histories and contracts from federal governments, state governments, local government, educational purchasing agencies..
Defence India News | Geo Politics and Indian Armed Forces News Channel Defence India News is an indian online news/media channel for covering global breaking news of , International Def Affairs, exclusive interviews, Indian Armed Forces News
Home The corporate EHS function, which oversees environmental, health and safety compliance began to merge at the management level around 1990. The first area is environmental management, which emerged as a profession in the 1970s, following the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other state-level regulatory systems. As companies began limiting waste to prevent pollution, they needed engineers to adapt scrubbers, filters, and other process changes to existing manufacturing systems. Workplace safety and occupational health also grew in importance during this time, with the passage of legislation such as the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Over time, companies developed systematic way of complying with environmental, health and safety regulations. Corporations began tracking key measures and looking for ways to improve their performance. Then, in the 1990s, improvements in data technology management made it easier for an organization to analyze its operations. Around that time, corporations began to merge oversight for environmental, health and safety programs through a new management role called EHS. The newly appointed leaders, who began their careers in one of the three sub-disciplines, started to create systems to drive EHS progress across all operations. Today, with the advent of sustainability, EHS professionals are leading corporate efforts toward sustainability. Building on their decades of experience, EHS leaders are striving to meet this challenge, creating systems to reduce energy use, conserve water, and better communicate with stakeholders. Indeed, a 2009 survey found that two-thirds of the sustainability initiatives at member companies are being led or managed by the EHS
health.vic - Home Health.vic is the Victorian Government's health information website for health services and business. Health.vic is a gateway to policies, guidelines and regulatory information relating to the provision of health services and managing health related business in Victoria. This website is managed by the Department of Health and Human Services, Victoria.
Museum of Aviation Foundation: Supporting the U.S. Air Force Museum The Museum of Aviation has grown to become the second largest museum in the United States Air Force and the fourth most visited museum in the Department of Defense.
Government info security news, training, education - GovInfoSecurity GovInfoSecurity.com covers the latest news, laws, regulations and directives related to government information security, focusing on the White House's cybersecurity initiatives, the latest legislative efforts in Congress, as well as thought leadership from top government CISOs.