
The most comprehensive list of a11y websites last updated on Sep 1 2023.
Stats collected from various trackers included with free apps.
The letters AAA in pink and teal. The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.
Igalia - Open Source Consultancy and Development Igalia is an open source consultancy specialised in the development of innovative projects and solutions. Our engineers have expertise in a wide range of technological areas, including browsers and client-side web technologies, graphics pipeline, compilers and virtual machines. We have the most WPE, WebKit, Chromium/Blink and Firefox expertise found in the consulting business, including many reviewers and committers. Igalia designs, develops, customises and optimises GNU/Linux-based solutions for companies across the globe. Our work and contributions are present in many projects such as GStreamer, Mesa 3D, WebKit, Chromium, etc.
Colors - A nicer color palette for the web. Colors.css - A nicer color palette for the web.
Компьютерные технологии для незрячих и слабовидящих Публикации, справочные материалы, советы, обмен опытом по вопросам доступности компьютеров, программ и других технических устройств для людей, полностью или частично утративших зрение.