Poloni DEX | Exchange the TRON world with 0 trading fee Poloni DEX是全球首家基于TRON生态的波场去中心化交易所,0交易手续费,安全透明、快速便捷。所有交易都在TRX智能合约中进行,交易记录存储在区块链上,实现交易数据无法篡改、公开透明。用户直接使用波场生态的钱包交易,自我保管私钥,波场交易所无法干预用户的数字资产,保证资产安全性。Poloni DEX is the first decentralized exchange based on TRON network in the world. It features with free trading fee, safety and convenience. All trades are carried out with TRX smart contracts, and transaction records are stored in blockchains to achieve public and transparent. Users directly use wallet for transactions that exchange would not touch with users'' assets to ensure safety.
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