The most comprehensive list of constitutional websites last updated on Aug 1 2023.
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Legal Service India - Law, Lawyers and Legal Resources Legal Service India, Law, Lawyers and Legal Resources Indian lawyers Indian law firms An Excellent Portal on Indian legal services providing free Consultancy services through out India provided by thousands of lawyers and law firms all over India.
Liberty Unyielding "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground" (Thomas Jefferson, 1788).
Freedom Lake - Patriot Network Freedom Lake - Patriot Free Speech Social Network. Founded in Texas, we believe in God, Guns, and we follow the United States Constitution. Join thousands of America loving Patriots today for free!
American Center for Law and Justice Led by Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) focuses on constitutional and human rights law worldwide. Based in Washington, D.C., with affiliated offices in Israel, Russia, France, Pakistan, and Zimbabwe, the ACLJ is pro-life and dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights for all people. The ACLJ engages legal, legislative, and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education, and litigation that includes representing clients before the Supreme Court of the United States and international tribunals around the globe.
ic_checkmark Article V offers the only constitutional solution as big as the problem. Together, we can end federal overreach.
Do Your Own Will Online — Free Online Will Do your own will on-line
Freedom From Religion Foundation - Freedom From Religion Foundation The nonprofit Freedom From Religion Foundation works to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism, and to promote the constitutional principle of separation between church and state.
Kootenai County GOP Come join us in learning about freedom, liberty, and prosperity!
Comments Box SVG icons Your source for principled Conservative, Constitutional and Patriotic news and information. National, State and Local news that champions our 1st Amendment Freedoms! In print, since 1988 and online today!
The National Commission for Women is the apex national level organisation of India with the mandate of protecting and promoting the interests of women. It reviews the Constitutional and Legal safeguards for women, recommends remedial legislative measures, facilitates redressal of grievances and advises the Government on all policy matters affecting women.
Repub.li - NEWS FOR THE REPUBLIC News for citizens of the Republic. We are a US based news agency focused on conservative politics and constitutional values.
LEXSYON – Ang mga aral sa pagtahak sa kasukalan ng batas at ng buhay law, civil code, digest, criminal law, labor law, ethics, remedial law, property, constitutional law, federalism, fiscal federalism, political law, taxation etc
eFOI - Electronic Freedom of Information Operationalizing in the Executive Branch the People’s constitutional right to information and state policies to full public disclosure and transparency in public service.
Bangladesh Election Commission The election commission of Bangladesh, abbreviated EC, is an independent constitutional body of the nation of Bangladesh that operates the legal functions of the Election Law in Bangladesh.
Balkinization A group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics
EPC | Emirates Policy Center The Emirates Policy Center (EPC) is an independent think tank based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The EPC was established in September 2013 during the turmoil of the “Arab Spring” to study internal and external threats to nation-states in the Arabian Gulf region and the broader Arab world. The EPC aims to determine and forecast the impacts of geopolitical developments and changes in the global balance of power on the UAE and the region
Annenberg Classroom – Resources For Excellent Civics Education Annenberg Classroom's free resources include over 65 videos on constitutional concepts and Supreme Court cases as well as games, lesson plans, timelines, downloadable books, a glossary, and a Constitution guide.
LLB Preliminary Preparation LLB, Question, Answer, Paper, Exam, NU, Constitutional Law of Bangladesh, The law of contract,