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Gerry-Bakker.com Hello everyone, I’m Gerry Bakker and I have a story to tell. I believe you will find this useful in your search for success. Remember, to live your life with balance. Get away from that computer and take in the scenery like we did at Panorama Resort in British Columbia, BC, Canada. A few hour drive from where we live. If you are trying to figure out how to make money online without going broke while trying then perhaps my story will help you find the clarity you need to set your purpose and direction into focus to be truly successful. I was just like you, poking around the Make Money Online (MMO) world and like many of you I spent over ,000 buying every new shiny object that showed up in my email inbox every day. I recognize that most of you didn’t spend that much money but I was completely focused on figuring out the hierarchy of who was successful, what they do, how they are all related to each other and how they got there so that I could then learn from their experience to set my own course of action. Along the way, I learned that almost everyone was creating or selling products on Warrior+, JVZoo, Clickbank and others. I am seeing 5-10 new product offers per day. They all look great but most of them are just rehashes of stuff I saw two years ago. Go to muncheye.com to see what I am talking about. After sifting through all this I found the following mentors who, even though very differently focused, all have very focused methods of success. Please review them to see if anyone of them sounds like the path you want to go down. The odds are against you if you don’t choose a mentor. Most of us don’t have the self-discipline to do anything successfully without a properly “matched” mentor that will hold you to your task and ultimately to your goals. John Thornhill – Partners to Success – provides complete training and mentoring for your first product from concept to launch including marketing it to 1,000’s of his affiliates waiting for John’s next mentored student launched product. John has created over 200 of his own products in the last 16 years and each of them is still relevant and on the market bringing in solid recurring revenue every single day. He is famous as JVZoo and Clickbank’s top 1% product marketer and his training shows you how to gain equal success if you use his proven methods. His training is not a get rich quick scheme – it is a progressive, build your assets, then market them to affiliates and repeat this formula that is evergreen – the income never fades and feeds you for years. You can expect a reasonable income within a year and then it keeps building predictably. He consistently churns out some of the best results for his students every year. He is probably the most organized, transferable skills, mentor of any I have ever seen. Even now, as he makes millions each year he still answers all emails promptly. He hasn’t lost that humble need to serve attitude since leaving his 200 car door per day reality at a Nissan auto assembly plant – what a nightmare that must have been 16 years ago. Now he is a grandpa who is sharing his enthusiasm and hoping that you will see, believe and take action to change your life like this changed his. I recommend that you review his offer to mentor you. It costs nothing to check it out. He is one of the few that guarantees his results – you will succeed with his passive income strategy but it will take time. Jono Armstrong – Ministry of Freedom – is famous for rising to the top of MMO affiliate marketing in less than 3 years from a cold start with no previous experience. Now, at the 5-year mark after generating over million in sales in one year he has turned his energy into training others on how to replicate his success using his famous Click-Jacking techniques. Click-Jacking successfully allows him to leverage all the Youtube advertising and traffic generating energy of any product developer’s new product launches and all of that product’s affiliates by consistently ranking Youtube “review” videos for that product into number one position for those specific products. The net result is that anyone who is looking for a second opinion review of that product will end up clicking through his affiliate link instead of anyone else’s and he ends up with the 50% plus commission on all of those sales. He consistently ranks in the top 3 sellers for any click jacked launches he goes after. This method of income generation is the most intensive short route, no-cost method, to incredible success if you follow his exact, well-documented methods. I bought into his training program because I know he is a straight-up good man with a rock-solid proven track record and l love everything Jono does. He is a smart man and his wife is a great team member with a great sense of humour. I learned so much about everything affiliate based selling involves and learned something about my 65-year-old self – I simply don’t have that much energy at my age but for anyone in the 20-45-year-old category this is the one to kick ass with. I can see why he called it the “Ministry of Freedom”. He is literally trying to raise you to that freedom you are hoping for. He has one of the most active and energetic Facebook community groups I have ever seen. You don’t have anything more to buy after this course but you do need to pour that youthful energy into it yourself. You will get great results if you practice what I learned through his course. Paul Murphy – Affiliate Tube Success – Paul is famous for his ability to earn fat commissions on any niche products that he chooses and most of them are outside of the crowded MMO affiliate space so his competition is low and his success rate is very high with close ratios up to 80% for everything from Toyotas to Cruise Ship tours while also cleaning up quite nicely in the high ticket training market as well. His claim to fame is that he does all of this without ever spending a penny on clicks or advertising. He likes to make a point about how the crowded MMO space is overcrowded with a 95% failure rate – basically a red sea of blood from the failed affiliates who litter the surface like flotsam on the MMO ocean while the space he plays in is a nice clear blue ocean with a few big whales like him that have all they can eat without any competition. He is respected by many and revered by top marketing agencies in the world that pay him a lot of money to show them how he became their largest affiliate for their products. Now, he is sharing that same advice with you if you want to create a nice clean passive income that requires you to spend a few hours a day, 5 days a week finding those well-paying affiliate offers and then building well-scripted Youtube review videos his way that is guaranteed to rank at the top and get the nice clean revenue he enjoys. Remember, he does all of this without any advertising spend at all but it takes time – each one of those Youtube review videos adds up to a whole lot of varied income streams if you do his 5 days a week regimen. He churns them out at about 1,000 short review videos per year in just a few hours per day. It’s not as hard as it sounds – his videos are only a few minutes each and he does about 3 videos a day with about an hour for research and video production (mostly video slide shows). That’s focused and spreads your risk out across an ocean of opportunity. Not bad for a guy who likes to describe himself as the kid that no one else wanted to play with at school. He’s still a bit odd but he sure smiles a lot – you can’t help but like him. When I was introduced to Paul I had no idea what he was about to show me. After an hour-long free webinar, I was sold lock stock and barrel. He is the real deal. If you are anything like him, focused, awkward in a crowd and have a happy heart then you will do wonders with his training. Justin Sardi – Video Ads Cracked – Justin is a YouTube Ads based version of what Paul Murphy teaches but Justin is able to get his Youtube Ads clicks down to pennies per click as compared to - per click for 99% of the rest of the Google Ads crowd. Paul’s method allows you to plant seeds hoping someone finds them someday soon. Justin’s method provides instant targeted results that are measurable and manageable. He knows within hours if he needs to adjust or split test his campaigns using his Tubesift app. He also has a close ratio of 30-80% on all his well researched Tubesift traffic/clicks he buys to send his offer to those opportunities. He accomplishes this by accurately targeting “Monetized” Youtube videos that other people created. He doesn’t even have to create any Youtube videos to win. He simply uses his well-documented methods and his own cloud-based software that searches through millions of YouTube videos to find the nuggets that can be monetized in low competition niches that pay very well for obscure items that you would never think to go after. Once he finds them he places ads right in the middle of those videos and the fun of it all is that he only pays for a click if they watch his inserted video or banner ads for more than 30 seconds. His message scripting method almost guarantees that you will be able to get the prospect to click through in less than 30 seconds which drops his spend risk down to almost nothing. The net result is excellent net profit with minimal effort at incredibly low ad expense. Yes, he is also in the Million dollar plus club – not bad for an injured construction worker who started this 5 years ago. His secret sauce software service will blow you away when you see it. I saw it and signed up for the whole deal – great value. I love how it all comes together. If you would like to see the Video Ads Cracked Webinar as I did then click here to watch it now. New customers of the Video Ads Cracked Webinar will receive a free year of TubeSift if they pay for the course. Igor Kheifets – List Building Lifestyle – based on his experience from humble beginnings as a teenager 20 years ago already focused on affiliate marketing and failing for 10 years while everyone around him thought he was wasting his time, Igor has emerged as one of the most focused achievers winning top affiliate in any market he goes after for the last 10 years and his training is hailed by many of the best in the business as the training that turned their life around as well. Igor is still humble while attaining the level of success that all the pretenders and fake gurus can only hope for while they pose in front of rented sports cars or other people’s mansions. Igor, a recent immigrant to Canada from Isreal lives in a modest home in a nice neighbourhood near Toronto with his wife and 2 small children while working 6 hours a day to build his empire while working from home because that’s how it’s done, right? Igor makes more money than anyone else I know of in this space because he doesn’t waste any of his energy on anything I have mentioned in the other areas of MMO marketing online. He doesn’t build websites, he doesn’t create videos for anyone else’s products. He simply arbitrates niche-specific traffic, selling clicks at a higher price than he pays for them himself. The beauty of this is that there is no risk for this business model because he gets paid for clicks he is selling to affiliate marketers and then he buys clicks that he knows will deliver buyers to the destination target. He also applies clicks that cost him his own real money at high-value affiliate offers while putting himself in the middle using a splash page to collect the email addresses of those who click through building his own qualified list of buyers on a per niche basis. The result is that he makes money passively when serving others with arbitrated click sales and he makes great money when he applies all that he learned about affiliate marketing with the very focused niche lists that he accumulates by applying exactly what he is selling – clicks. The net result for him is a self-funding, ever-growing, list of lists that any competitor would die for at no net cost to himself. Ultimately, in all things affiliate sales, the only thing of any real value is “the list” and the only way to build the list is with traffic. He has solved it all while over 99% of all affiliate wanna be’s fail because they simply haven’t figured out how to get traffic. If you have a reasonable offer and you can drive qualified traffic to it you will succeed. He finally figured that out 10 years ago and now he spends a fortune on traffic to resell as traffic while studying the results of others to determine the best sources of traffic he resells for the specific niche’s his clients aim at. He then applies that knowledge to direct very high close ratio clicks to his own high-value affiliate offers on a per niche basis. This is the most profitable business model available but it isn’t for the faint-hearted. It really brings home the old saying that “It takes money to make money”. If you have 0 a month you can afford to invest or lose in traffic clicks then you can play this game. There are no guarantees but the odds are pretty good you’re going to significantly win if you apply his tactics to his suggested affiliate market targets using his suggested squeeze pages that are proven to provide consistent results on hot products that change from month to month or even week to week while you simultaneously build your proven buyer list. Here’s a secret you might not know – many of the TOP AFFILIATE marketers are using his clicks to drive traffic to their business and affiliate offers and succeeding while pretending that their success is all due to their own products. If you want to turn the flood of actual buyer traffic on right now then slow down a bit before you make a big mistake on your own and take in his “301K Challenge” training course. If you do, you will be launched into a mind-bending world of self-awareness and come to recognize what has been holding you back from success. Then check out his next-level training and do them in this order – “Elite Traffic Pro 2.0” and then “Elite Affiliate Pro“. His webinars will change everything you thought you already knew. This is only for the brave who are actually action takers. Yes, I bought into this one as well and I am thankful I did. It is a cruel world out there but the simple reality is that if you build it, and for most, traffic won’t come soon enough to keep you in business while SEO, blogs, websites and e-commerce stores are building their gravity over time. Most affiliates are doing the right things in their chosen niches but simply run out of runway (cash) before they can successfully launch their own (Field of Dreams) enterprise. The cruel fact is buyers don’t show up just because you built something. Here is another self-evident truth – you only have limited time in your life and each hour of your life is worth a lot more than nothing. You shouldn’t be leaving the value of your time out of your valuation of the cost of waiting for someone to stumble onto your offer versus sending qualified traffic to your offer right now. Not taking action right now is costing you everything you ever hoped for. So … take action now by attending the webinars provided by these people to see what they are doing and how you could apply what you learned to your own life or business. Be prepared to take a lot of notes because it comes at you real fast. Personally, I just do screen captures of each screen and pop them into a Google Doc. It’s so easy to do and there for you to review in a quiet moment at a later time if you chose not to take action at that specific moment in time. Sincerely and humbly, Gerry Bakker
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