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LinkJust SEO improvements SEO, for those who are new to this specific acronym, it means Search Engine Optimization, and yes it works the way you think it works, in which search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, sort through all the information that is available on the internet to search for the most relevant result for the query or request of information that was requested by the user of the search engine they are using. Basically what was described above is SERP, which means Search Engine Results Page, and this is where the searcher is given a list of results to choose from based on the keywords and titles used in their query. Many people already know this because of how frequently they spend their time on the internet whether they are in school, college, at the office, at home or anywhere they are using a computer, tablet, or smartphone, but what might they don’t know is how vastly SEO is improving SERP and its features. An example of a new feature an average entrepreneur that has an online business can do to direct more traffic to their website is to use software like Rank Tracker which allows the business owner to track their rankings and check the features relevant to their keywords that are directing traffic away from their website. This is the type of tool that is nearly invaluable to business owners and the likes for what it does and how much it helps that business owner haul the online traffic flowing through every second of every day. Another feature that will be of help to any entrepreneur is Structured Data which allows the website owner to enhance your search listings. One of the ways you can “enhance” your search listing is by using rich snippets, which will catch the viewers’ eye as opposed to a regular snippet with regular content. An example of a rich snippet would be a recipe for any dish, cocktail, dessert etc. and the snippet would include content such as the ratings from viewers who tried the recipe, a date of when it was created and by who it was created by, along with a small picture showing what the recipe looks completed. Having rich snippets for your websites is vital for directing the traffic within the specific search listing your site is under to maximize the profits for each click. We already know that people are searching for content that may be relevant to your site, but now there is a new way of searching that opens up a whole different niche of SERP’s; enter “Voice Search”. Voice Search enables users to search with more simplicity and ease, which means it can create new opportunities for you as the site owner, by upgrading your keywords to the common queries that are voice searched in that specific search listing. Looking at the new versions or upgrades that SEO offers throughout the web for your businesses gives entrepreneurs a bigger goal to achieve and more opportunities to improve your business and beating the competition. There couldn’t be more emphasis on how much can be done with the golden opportunities that are ripe for the taking, but if you aren’t fast enough to take advantage, your competition will, which is why immediate action must be taken before it’s too late; get to work!
IBOtoolbox Community The largest small business owner social network on the planet. Specifically created for small business owners, online marketers, MLM, network marketers, and affiliate marketers.
Untitled 5 We have created a niche in the Squarespace market to help individuals, startups and established organizations with their Squarespace websites. There is no project too big or request too small. From simple styling and customizations to custom design and development for business specific needs, we can bring your vision to life.
Mr. Pop Culture | Exploring the World of Pop Culture Pop culture is everywhere. You know it when you come to the Internet, listen to music, watch television, app-gaming or go to a movie, concert, or stage show. You know the artists, the actors and actresses, sports personalities and the games they play. Today, anything with a buzz is deemed pop culture. The book definition says pop culture is a collection of thoughts, ideas, attitudes, perspectives, images (you name it) preferred by the mainstream population, which is a sort of common denominator. The most common pop culture categories are entertainment (movies, music, TV), sports, news (as in people/places in news), politics, fashion/clothes, and technology. Slang has also become popular in our culture as each year seems to have its own slang signature, especially with tweens and teens. Terms such as "going viral" are new pop culture – not only the term but the viral product itself. Each one of us has our own pop-culture menu. Look at your apps, your bookmarks, your songs playlist, TV shows, movies: what you 're saying on your favorite social networks. Smartphones today are the center of your pop culture. If you want to know more about pop culture, read on as we are going to give you its history and different definitions. History of Pop Culture It was in the 19th century when the term "popular culture" was coined. Traditionally, it was associated with poor education and with the lower classes, which is the opposite of the "official culture" and higher education of the upper classes. During the Victorian-era, Britain experienced social changes with the rise of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, which caused an increase in literacy rates. And with the growth of capitalism and industrialization, people started spending their money on entertainment, such as sports and the commercial idea of pubs. Reading also gained traction, and the Penny serials were published. These were cheap popular serial literature in the United Kingdom. Those were like the Victorian equivalent of video games. It was the first taste of mass-produced popular culture for the young in Britain. With the growing consumer culture and increased capacity for travel via the newly built railway that opened in 1825 in north-east England, a market for cheap popular literature was created with an ability to distribute on a large scale. With this, the first Penny serials were published in the 1830s due to the growing demand. Towards the end of the 19th century, the stress in the distinction from "official culture" became more pronounced. It is a usage that became established by the interbellum period or the period between wars. The meaning of popular culture began to be connected with those of mass culture, consumer culture, media culture, image culture, and culture for mass consumption from the end of World War II, following major cultural and social changes, which were brought by mass media innovations. The abbreviated form "pop" for popular, like in pop music, dates back from the late 1950s. Although not used in our lexicon back then, modern pop culture (as we know it) began with the baby boomer generation and "buying power." As boomers came of age with their disposable incomes – that influence led to the pop culture revolution. It began during the 1950s with rock n' roll, TV, Dick Clark and the hoola hoop, transistor radios, into the 1960s and beyond. The term "pop culture" became mainstream during the 1980s. Before this, we used "popular" to describe things such as top song playlists or "pop" as in art or "best" or "top" selling, as in books. Different Definitions of Pop Culture Based on the author of Cultural Theory and Popular Culture named John Storey, popular culture has different definitions. The quantifiable definition of culture has the problem that much "high culture", such as television dramatizations of Jane Austen, is also "popular." Aside from that, "pop culture" is also defined as the culture that is "leftover" when we have decided what high culture is. But many works overlap the boundaries, such as William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, George Orwell, and Charles Dickens. The third definition of pop culture associates it with "mass culture" and ideas. This is seen as a commercial culture, which is mass-produced for mass consumption by mass media. If you take it from a Western European viewpoint, this can be compared to American culture. Pop culture can also be defined otherwise as an authentic culture of the people. However, this can be challenging because there are a lot of ways to define the "people." According to John Storey, popular culture emerged from the urbanization of the Industrial Revolution. For example, studies of Shakespeare locate much of the characteristic vitality of his drama in its participation in Renaissance popular culture. Other examples are contemporary practitioners like Dario Fo and John McGrath, who use popular culture in a sense that links to ancient folk traditions. Folk culture is at the opposite end of one spectrum from mass culture. As mentioned earlier, mass culture is mass-produced and mass-marketed on a large societal scale. Folk culture, on the other hand, is typically crafted individually, and it is produced and distributed on a local level. This can include folk art, folk music, folk crafts, and folklore. They usually originate from small, regional, or local groups of people, and are considered as representing only those small groups, and are propagating by word of mouth and not via mass media. Pop Culture Through the Decades Pop Culture is like a unifying bridge across time, which brings together generations of diverse backgrounds. Whether looking at the rock 'n' roll revolution of the 1960s or the thriving social networking websites of today, each period in America's cultural history develops its own exceptional take on the qualities that define our lives. Here's an overview of the pop culture from the 1950s to the 2010s: The 1950s Pop Culture The 1950s were a decade marked by the post-World War II boom. It was also the dawn of the Cold War and the Civil Rights movement in the United States. And during these times, the United States was the world's strongest military power. The economy was booming, which led to the availability of new cars, suburban houses, and other consumer goods. Also, in this decade, televisions became something that the average family could afford. With this, the Golden Age of Television was marked by different shows, including "The Twilight Zone," "I Love Lucy," and "The Honeymooners." Aside from television, many important films were also shown in the 1950s that not many people talked about. The major rise of cinemas in the 50s was because of narrative storytelling and amazing directors. Some of the best films of the 1950s were "Cinderella," "Sunset Boulevard," and "All About Eve," to name a few. It was also the decade when rock and roll music was created along with other popular genres like swing, pop, blues, and jazz. The 1950s decade was also referred to as the century of literature because many writers and novelists emerged and gave the world amazing creations. Some of the popular books published in the 50s include "The Catcher in the Rye," "Invisible Man," and "The Fellowship of the Ring," to name a few. To know more about the 1950s pop culture, you can read our detailed post: Highlights of the Major Pop Culture Trends of the 1950s. The 1960s Pop Culture The 1960s is more of a cultural decade because a lot of changes and happenings in these times were more significant in terms of culture and aesthetics. This decade is also filled with a youth-driven cultural revolution that is focused on the relaxation of the various types of social taboos. Those are some of the reasons why it's called the "Swinging Sixties." The 1960s was the decade when the Hollywood and film industry changed and evolved. Top films were released, such as "The Sound of Music" and "Easy Rider," which were quite helpful in reshaping Hollywood and experience for the audience. It was also the decade when the first films having sensitive contents were publicly released. Music was also in revolution during this decade. From pop and folk music, everything changed to a wide range of music that was more in the Rock 'N' Roll genre. One of the most important phenomena of the 1960s was The Beatles Revolution, as they were most influential for the decade. Aside from that, introspective music, like those of Paul Simon and Bob Dylan, became new music. Elvis Presley was also one of the most famous singers of the 1960s. Aside from these, there are many other popular events and things that happened and were introduced in the 1960s, which includes Science and Technology, Sports, Fashion, Television, Dance, and News. To know more about the 1960s pop culture, you can read our detailed post: Highlights of the Major Pop Culture Trends of the 1960s. The 1970s Pop Culture The 1970s was a decade marked by the activism of all sorts. The society during these times has become more awakened, free to the individual sense, and more politically driven. It was in this decade when Hollywood became the brand it is today. It saw the rise of different male and female performers who dominated the world of acting. Some of the best movies released in the 70s include"A Clockwork Orange," "The Godfather," and "Rocky," to name a few. The 1970s was also an iconic age for the American music industry. Progressive rock became popular and saw different bands and solo artists create mayhem through this genre. Listeners also had a range to choose from, and there were different genres available for all types of music listeners. Some of the most popular bands and artists in this decade include Led Zeppelin, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, and more. The American television industry also gained success on sitcoms and family shows in the 70s. Some of these shows were "All in the Family,""Happy Days," and "Bridget Loves Bernie," to name a few. If you are looking for information about the pop culture in the 1970s about fashion, art, science and technology, cars, sports, and more, you can read our detailed post: Highlights of the Major Pop Culture Trends of the 1970s. The 1980s Pop Culture The 1980s is a decade that is difficult to forget. In fact, television shows during this decade were being rebooted in the present time, and remakes of some 80s movies are out or in the works. Aside from these, fashions, styles, and other aspects of the 80s are also attractive to a lot of people. It was a simple decade that everyone enjoyed. That's why looking back on the 80s is always fun. The 80s was the decade when MTV or music television was launched, which was one of the most iconic moments in music history. Madonna has been very popular in this decade, and as well as Michael Jackson, whose career was at its peak in the 80s. When it comes to fashion, the big hair of the 80s was a symbol. Aside from that, other fashionable items during this decade include jelly shoes, shoulder pads, leather and denim jackets, and parachute pants. The workout videos of Jane Fonda also contributed to the popularity of aerobics outfits. The 1980s also saw the popularity of the arcade game Pac-Man. Aside from that, the Rubik's Cube also debuted in this decade, which became a worldwide craze. The Sony Walkman also first appeared during the 80s. To know more about the popular things and events that occurred in the 1980s, read our detailed post: Highlights of the Major Pop Culture Trends of the 1980s. The 1990s Pop Culture There were many important events that happened in the last decade of the 20th century. In fact, it is still considered an essential part of the current standards and modern era we live in. It was considered to be the decade of relative peace and prosperity largely because of the fall of the Soviet Union, which was having a long drawn Cold War for decades. Aside from that, the use of the internet also contributed to the significance of the 1990s. During the 1990s, the Hollywood industry became more fascinating. It focused on the different types of multicultural as well as action and thriller films. It was a time when fun-filled adventure films became popular. Some of the best movies that were released in the 1990s include "The Titanic" and "The Armageddon," to name a few. In the 1990s, music was more in the grunge, "gangsta" rap, teen pop, R&B, and electronic dance genres. These were brought by different types of musicians in the decade, such as Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Fatboy Slim, Whitney Houston, Dr. Dre, D'Angelo, and more. But the most famous group of the 1990s were the Spice Girls. If you want to know more about the 1990s pop culture, read our detailed post: Highlights of the Major Pop Culture Trends of the 1990s. The 2000s Pop Culture The 2000s decade was filled with iconic pop stars, fashion statements, trends, technology, and unforgettable films and music. It was the era when pop culture was on peak. During this decade, there was lots of news and gossips about Hollywood, and American Idol was also very popular. When it comes to music, the 2000s saw a rise in rap songs, making it the best decade of music and beats. During this decade, Eminem won an Oscar, and Lady Gaga entered the industry. It was also in 2000 when Britney Spears released her second album titled "Oops!... I Did It Again." The rise in filmmaking was also seen by the 2000s. It was the era when the film industry flourished and produced great movies, such as "28 Days," "Monster Inc.." and "102 Dalmatians." It was also in the 2000s when bookcrossing was introduced. It was the practice of leaving the books you don't need in one place to be picked up by others. A very popular novel titled "Life of Pi" was also published in this decade, which was later made in a Hollywood film. To know more about the 2000s pop culture, read our detailed post: Pop Culture in Review for the Years 2000 to 2009. The 2010s Pop Culture The 2010s was the decade where technology surpassed the human imagination. It created new ways for artists to share their music with listeners and fans. Aside from that, the Television and Film industries have spent the most amount of money on their projects. In the world of music in the 2010s, some of the most popular artists at the start of the decade include Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Kesha, and Lady Antebellum. But 2012 was the major year for music in this decadewhen Katy Perry emerged, followed by Adele. Other artists that became famous in the 2010s include Justine Timberlake, Beyonce, Kanye West, Camilla Cabello, Kendrick Lamar, and more. The popularity of the film industry in the 2010s started with the "Twilight Saga: Eclipse," which continued till "Alice in Wonderland." For those who love animation, "Frozen" and "Despicable Me 2" were released in this decade, too. And for action movies, "Fast & Furious 6" and "Man of Steel" and "Thor: The Dark World" were released. If you want to look back on everything that became a trend in the 2010s, read our detailed post: Highlights of the Major Pop Culture Trends of the 2010s. Pop Culture and Technology Pop culture played a crucial role in the advancement of technology in each decade. In fact, technology is becoming more and more important and prevalent in all aspects of our culture. Pop culture has inspired and continues to inspire technological innovation. It draws connections between interpretations of technologies from the past and their modern counterparts. With this, let us look into the technologies that became prevalent from the 1950s to the 2010s. Technology in the 1950s When it comes to technology, the 1950s was a crucial period, especially in the world of radio and television. It has brought about the advancement in the viewing and listening experience of people at home. This decade was a breakthrough year for television. It was this time when the first commercially available color TV was introduced. Aside from that, the first commercially available computer in the world was also presented in the 1950s. In the music industry, the 45rpm vinyl records became as common as 78rpm records. In fact, it became popular due to its compact size and durability. The 33rpm vinyl record also became popular, and it replaced the 78rpm as the most common vinyl record size in the world. Aside from these, many other innovations were introduced in the 1950s, such as the first accurate atomic clock, the videotape, stereo vinyl records, and more. To know more about the technology in the 1950s, you can read our 1950s Technology News In Review. Technology in the 1960s The 1960s was also a great decade for television, as there were also many enhancements done to make the experience of watching TV shows at home better. Even though this decade was dominated by television, there were also improvements done to the radio industry. During the 1960s, the television served as the gateway for Americans to know the presidential election candidates, which were Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy. Their debates were broadcasted, which helped the people decide who they'll vote to be the next US president. It was also in the 60s when the push-button telephone was invented and introduced by the Bell System. This replaced rotary phonesand was faster and easier to use. The first compact cassette was also released in this decade. Radios with transistors also became more popular in this decade. Their durability helped the radio industry have a surge in listeners in the same era where the British Invasion was at the peak of its popularity. FM radio was also becoming the number one choice of listeners who were looking into listening to classical music. To know more about the technologies introduced in the 1960s, read our 1960s Technology News In Review. Technology in the 1970s The 1970s was a prime period for television because a lot of manufacturers tried to push the boundaries of color TV to produce better reception and clearer resolution. But aside from television, computers also had a significant advancement in this decade. It is because of the introduction to the Xerox PARC, which was the first computer that was designed to support an operating system or OS based on a graphical user interface. This computer would later become the inspiration behind some of the most iconic computers in the history of technology. It was also in this same decade when Microsoft was formed by Bill Gates and researcher Paul Allen. Another important creation in the 1970s was the Universal Product Code or UPC. It allowed systematic pricing and tracking for products in grocery stores and other establishments. The first product to be UPC scanned was a pack of Wrigley's chewing gum in Ohio. If you're craving to know more about the technologies invented and introduced in the 1970s, then you should read our 1970s Technology News In Review. Technology in the 1980s The 1980s, when it comes to technology, has been a great decade for the computer and the music industry. Both of these fields have benefitted from the technological advancements brought by engineers and scientists who wanted to make life more convenient. It was in the 80s when Bill Gates agreed to provide the operating system for IBM's personal computer. That operating system was the PC DOS 1.0, which was modified to be compatible with the IBM Personal Computer. Aside from that, this decade was also important for the creation of the internet. Tim Berners-Lee, a previous independent contractor at CERN, started experimenting on improving the communication between researchers from different places. His experimentation led to ENQUIRE, which was a software project that serves as the predecessor for the World Wide Web. Aside from these, many other developments for the computer were introduced in the 1980s. Some of these include the creation of Apple computers, Macintosh personal computer, and the introduction of the Power Windows by Microsoft. To know more about these, you can read our 1980s Technology News In Review. Technology in the 1990s The 1990s has been a turning point in the computer industry. This decade brought major technological advancements to the personal computer. Aside from that, it also showed how Microsoft became a powerhouse in the world of software. At the start of the decade, Adobe Inc. released the Adobe Photoshop 1.0 software. It was a graphics editor programmed by Thomas Knoll. The third iteration of the Windows OS, Windows 3.0, was also released by Microsoft in the 1990s, together with a new presentation program called Microsoft PowerPoint, bundled with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. The World Wide Web was also formed after Tim Berners-Lee utilized and tweaked the ENQUIRE system. This was considered to be the first web browser. The first Pentium chip was also released in this decade by the Inter Corporation. It would eventually include some of their best-selling microprocessors. In 1994, Amazon was launched by Jeff Bezos, and would eventually become one of the biggest companies in the world. In the same year, Sony released its first home video game console, the PlayStation, first in Japan, and in the US after a year. There are many other wonderful technological creations that were introduced in the 1990s. If you are curious about them, read our 1990s Technology News In Review. Technology in the 2000s When it comes to technology, the 2000s was a groundbreaking decade. It was the time where certain inventions have revolutionized the different sectors of technology, such as web browsing, gaming, and as well as mobile communications. Before the year 2000 came, people were afraid of the Y2K Problem. This was a proposed event wherein computers may not be able to handle the change from 1999 to 2000 because of an error in the algorithm. With this, people believed there would be a collapse in the economy as most companies and agencies rely on computers. Fortunately, a lot of organizations were able to upgrade their computer systems, which eliminated the threat. This decade was great for gaming because Sony released the PlayStation 2 and the PlayStation 3, while Microsoft launched the Xbox and the Xbox 360. People also had a new way to listen to music when Apple Inc. successfully launched iTunes, which was a media player and library. After that, Apple also released the first-generation iPod. During these times, Google was becoming a big company, but Yahoo was still at the top as the number one search engine in the world. There are also media services providers who were experiencing a rise in profits, and one of those is Netflix. It was also in the 2000s when YouTube was established. There are many other innovations that were introduced in the 2000s. If you want to know more about them, read our 2000s Technology News In Review. Technology in the 2010s The 2010s decade was not as impactful as the previous decades when it comes to technology, but there were still a few breakthroughs that have been introduced. At the start of the decade, Apple was already selling over 250 million Apple iPods. Google, on the other hand, started expanding its business when they announced that they'd be selling their own mobile phones. Social media has been prevalent in the 2010s, and Facebook has surpassed Google when it comes to website visits per year. But Facebook eventually found its competitors when Instagram and Pinterest were launched in the same year. In the world of mobile phones, the 4G broadband cellular network became popular. Cloud services were also becoming popular in 2011. With this, Apple released its own Cloud service called iCloud. But it was also in the same year when Apple's co-founder, Steve Jobs, passed away. In the gaming industry, Sony released the PlayStation 4 in 2013and eventually became the second best-selling video game console of all time next to PlayStation 2. There are many other developments in technology that have been done in the 2010s, aside from what we've mentioned here. To know more about them, read our 2010s Technology News In Review. Conclusion Pop culture is something that constantly evolves and occurs uniquely in place and time. It forms currents and swirls and represents a complex of equally inter-reliant perspectives and values that influence society and its institutions in different ways. Pop culture has affected and is continuously affecting all of us. We may not think about it that much, but it is everywhere around us. From the way we dress, the gadgets and technologies we use every day, the books we read, the movies we watch, the music we listen to, and more.Pop culture is fun, fascinating, and is at the center of our lives. Test yourself. The last time you spoke to your good friend, wasn't pop culture part of that conversation?
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WarmOven provides you a refreshingly new and professional service. We want to change the way cakes are consumed in Bangalore,Pune & other Hyderabad and redefine your experience to order cake online. Unlike any other online bakeries and online cake shops, we operate our own cake bakery and cakeshop. We have 18 kitchens in Bangalore and 3 Kitchen in Pune and Hyderabad and have mastered the art of online delivery of cakes. We have delivered more than a 4,00,000 cakes to the customer’s doorstep. We place an extraordinary emphasis on quality and customer delight is of utmost importance to us. As a result, regardless of when you buy a cake online or order a cake online, we will deliver a sensationally delicious and fresh cake on time at your doorstep. Please check our customer feedback on Twitter Order cake online at WarmOven - Advantages Most of us are busy and unfortunately going out to a neighbourhood store is tiring due to the traffic conditions or the issues related to parking. While we have started to purchase a number of products online over the last decade, a new entry in this online world is food. Cakes have only recently started to move online with WarmOven being one of the pioneers with an end-to-end model from baking to cake delivery in Bangalore and Pune. Often times, you may not find great quality products close to where you live. Fortunately, searching online is easy and online cake shops in Bangalore and Pune like us are just a click away. There are a lot of advantages of our online cake delivery model. Cake is a very delicate product. You need not worry about carrying the cake or the damage during transit. Our delivery team has been trained in handling these fragile products carefully and we have perfected this art over the last 5 years of operations. WarmOven delivery team takes utmost care in ensuring your product reaches you on time and in perfect shape. You are absolutely free from the hassles of visiting your local bakery shop and collecting your order when it is ready. All of our cakes are made fresh once you place an order or buy on our website. We do not stock any finished cakes. As a result, you can decide what you want and we have a wide variety of choice. You have unlimited choice in terms of flavours or size. You are not constrained by what is on display, like you may be when you visit your local bakery! The traditional bakeries generally give you limited option of flavours and shapes. You have to just settle for the general round or square cakes. Online cake bakeries, like WarmOven, give you a variety on the shapes and sizes as well. Life can’t be much easier than this! Send cake online from the wide variety of options available at WarmOven From your standard black forest cake or our special regal red velvet cake to theme and photo cake, you can buy fresh cakes online Bangalore on our website at your convenience from your home. We also have a wide range of dessert options if you feel like having one or you can always start by ordering our all time favourite Chocolate Cakes. You have no choice, but to accept cakes or desserts that are at least a day old when you walk into your local bakery.Freshness of the products is the biggest advantage of an online bakery like WarmOven. All your cakes, pastries and desserts are delivered fresh to you within 2 hours. The freshness is not restricted to just cakes. Cupcakes, muffins, cookies, macaroons, and any other item listed on our website is prepared fresh for you. If you are planning an event or a birthday party or an anniversary, you can research all the options using our website and make an informed choice from the comfort of your home. We can also be reached on the phone, if you need some more help. Why WarmOven Cakes are the best cakes? There are a huge number of online bakeries that you may find when you search online, but be careful who you choose. Most of them don’t have any expertise in baking -- they pick up cakes from a local cake bakery and deliver it to you at exorbitant prices. WarmOven is different and the best bakery for a reason. We understand the importance of getting a perfect cake and have delicately created a business model of online cake delivery considering every small aspect in detail. We operate our 21 kitchens from 7AM till late night. We have a team of expert chefs who have been trained for a number of years and ensure our quality is superior to everyone else in town. We are not yet another cake bakery, we want to be the best in town. Do check out the reviews from fellow customers at Zomato. We operate our kitchens for most part of the day and hence we are able to do midnight cake deliveries at very reasonable rates compared to others. You can send cake online to your loved ones or buy a cake online for yourself and get it delivered within 2 hours. We offer delivery anywhere in Bangalore and Pune. Do we offer eggless cakes? Yes, WarmOven has a variety of eggless cake available in different flavors. Special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, wedding parties ,festivals etc are a real struggle for the people who are veggie as eggs are the unseen elements in many foods, so most of the time you have to overlook your favourite pleasures. But with WarmOven, you can enjoy your sweet stuff without any fears as we have categorized each cake with an option of eggless and non-eggless cakes at our web portal. Our website is loaded with quality baked eggless cakes, available in many flavors, shapes, designs and types. Our team mainly works with the main motive of customer satisfaction and to achieve this, we also provide eggless cakes delivery in India, keeping in mind the sentiments of pure vegetarians. Cake delivery in Bangalore - In 2 Hours Cakes can often be last minute decisions. We can bake a fresh cake for you within an hour and deliver it to your home or office within a couple of hours. We can also make a custom photo cake and deliver it to you within 2 hours. Be it a birthday cake or an anniversary cake or even a birthday cake with a photo, we will always deliver it fresh! Our customers swear by our Chocolate Cakes and red velvet cake. You could also delight yourself with some of our wonderful cup cakes. You can place an order from anywhere in the world and delight your loved ones in Bangalore and Pune. 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Gerry-Bakker.com Hello everyone, I’m Gerry Bakker and I have a story to tell. I believe you will find this useful in your search for success. Remember, to live your life with balance. Get away from that computer and take in the scenery like we did at Panorama Resort in British Columbia, BC, Canada. A few hour drive from where we live. If you are trying to figure out how to make money online without going broke while trying then perhaps my story will help you find the clarity you need to set your purpose and direction into focus to be truly successful. I was just like you, poking around the Make Money Online (MMO) world and like many of you I spent over ,000 buying every new shiny object that showed up in my email inbox every day. I recognize that most of you didn’t spend that much money but I was completely focused on figuring out the hierarchy of who was successful, what they do, how they are all related to each other and how they got there so that I could then learn from their experience to set my own course of action. Along the way, I learned that almost everyone was creating or selling products on Warrior+, JVZoo, Clickbank and others. I am seeing 5-10 new product offers per day. They all look great but most of them are just rehashes of stuff I saw two years ago. Go to muncheye.com to see what I am talking about. After sifting through all this I found the following mentors who, even though very differently focused, all have very focused methods of success. Please review them to see if anyone of them sounds like the path you want to go down. The odds are against you if you don’t choose a mentor. Most of us don’t have the self-discipline to do anything successfully without a properly “matched” mentor that will hold you to your task and ultimately to your goals. John Thornhill – Partners to Success – provides complete training and mentoring for your first product from concept to launch including marketing it to 1,000’s of his affiliates waiting for John’s next mentored student launched product. John has created over 200 of his own products in the last 16 years and each of them is still relevant and on the market bringing in solid recurring revenue every single day. He is famous as JVZoo and Clickbank’s top 1% product marketer and his training shows you how to gain equal success if you use his proven methods. His training is not a get rich quick scheme – it is a progressive, build your assets, then market them to affiliates and repeat this formula that is evergreen – the income never fades and feeds you for years. You can expect a reasonable income within a year and then it keeps building predictably. He consistently churns out some of the best results for his students every year. He is probably the most organized, transferable skills, mentor of any I have ever seen. Even now, as he makes millions each year he still answers all emails promptly. He hasn’t lost that humble need to serve attitude since leaving his 200 car door per day reality at a Nissan auto assembly plant – what a nightmare that must have been 16 years ago. Now he is a grandpa who is sharing his enthusiasm and hoping that you will see, believe and take action to change your life like this changed his. I recommend that you review his offer to mentor you. It costs nothing to check it out. He is one of the few that guarantees his results – you will succeed with his passive income strategy but it will take time. Jono Armstrong – Ministry of Freedom – is famous for rising to the top of MMO affiliate marketing in less than 3 years from a cold start with no previous experience. Now, at the 5-year mark after generating over million in sales in one year he has turned his energy into training others on how to replicate his success using his famous Click-Jacking techniques. Click-Jacking successfully allows him to leverage all the Youtube advertising and traffic generating energy of any product developer’s new product launches and all of that product’s affiliates by consistently ranking Youtube “review” videos for that product into number one position for those specific products. The net result is that anyone who is looking for a second opinion review of that product will end up clicking through his affiliate link instead of anyone else’s and he ends up with the 50% plus commission on all of those sales. He consistently ranks in the top 3 sellers for any click jacked launches he goes after. This method of income generation is the most intensive short route, no-cost method, to incredible success if you follow his exact, well-documented methods. I bought into his training program because I know he is a straight-up good man with a rock-solid proven track record and l love everything Jono does. He is a smart man and his wife is a great team member with a great sense of humour. I learned so much about everything affiliate based selling involves and learned something about my 65-year-old self – I simply don’t have that much energy at my age but for anyone in the 20-45-year-old category this is the one to kick ass with. I can see why he called it the “Ministry of Freedom”. He is literally trying to raise you to that freedom you are hoping for. He has one of the most active and energetic Facebook community groups I have ever seen. You don’t have anything more to buy after this course but you do need to pour that youthful energy into it yourself. You will get great results if you practice what I learned through his course. Paul Murphy – Affiliate Tube Success – Paul is famous for his ability to earn fat commissions on any niche products that he chooses and most of them are outside of the crowded MMO affiliate space so his competition is low and his success rate is very high with close ratios up to 80% for everything from Toyotas to Cruise Ship tours while also cleaning up quite nicely in the high ticket training market as well. His claim to fame is that he does all of this without ever spending a penny on clicks or advertising. He likes to make a point about how the crowded MMO space is overcrowded with a 95% failure rate – basically a red sea of blood from the failed affiliates who litter the surface like flotsam on the MMO ocean while the space he plays in is a nice clear blue ocean with a few big whales like him that have all they can eat without any competition. He is respected by many and revered by top marketing agencies in the world that pay him a lot of money to show them how he became their largest affiliate for their products. Now, he is sharing that same advice with you if you want to create a nice clean passive income that requires you to spend a few hours a day, 5 days a week finding those well-paying affiliate offers and then building well-scripted Youtube review videos his way that is guaranteed to rank at the top and get the nice clean revenue he enjoys. Remember, he does all of this without any advertising spend at all but it takes time – each one of those Youtube review videos adds up to a whole lot of varied income streams if you do his 5 days a week regimen. He churns them out at about 1,000 short review videos per year in just a few hours per day. It’s not as hard as it sounds – his videos are only a few minutes each and he does about 3 videos a day with about an hour for research and video production (mostly video slide shows). That’s focused and spreads your risk out across an ocean of opportunity. Not bad for a guy who likes to describe himself as the kid that no one else wanted to play with at school. He’s still a bit odd but he sure smiles a lot – you can’t help but like him. When I was introduced to Paul I had no idea what he was about to show me. After an hour-long free webinar, I was sold lock stock and barrel. He is the real deal. If you are anything like him, focused, awkward in a crowd and have a happy heart then you will do wonders with his training. Justin Sardi – Video Ads Cracked – Justin is a YouTube Ads based version of what Paul Murphy teaches but Justin is able to get his Youtube Ads clicks down to pennies per click as compared to - per click for 99% of the rest of the Google Ads crowd. Paul’s method allows you to plant seeds hoping someone finds them someday soon. Justin’s method provides instant targeted results that are measurable and manageable. He knows within hours if he needs to adjust or split test his campaigns using his Tubesift app. He also has a close ratio of 30-80% on all his well researched Tubesift traffic/clicks he buys to send his offer to those opportunities. He accomplishes this by accurately targeting “Monetized” Youtube videos that other people created. He doesn’t even have to create any Youtube videos to win. He simply uses his well-documented methods and his own cloud-based software that searches through millions of YouTube videos to find the nuggets that can be monetized in low competition niches that pay very well for obscure items that you would never think to go after. Once he finds them he places ads right in the middle of those videos and the fun of it all is that he only pays for a click if they watch his inserted video or banner ads for more than 30 seconds. His message scripting method almost guarantees that you will be able to get the prospect to click through in less than 30 seconds which drops his spend risk down to almost nothing. The net result is excellent net profit with minimal effort at incredibly low ad expense. Yes, he is also in the Million dollar plus club – not bad for an injured construction worker who started this 5 years ago. His secret sauce software service will blow you away when you see it. I saw it and signed up for the whole deal – great value. I love how it all comes together. If you would like to see the Video Ads Cracked Webinar as I did then click here to watch it now. New customers of the Video Ads Cracked Webinar will receive a free year of TubeSift if they pay for the course. Igor Kheifets – List Building Lifestyle – based on his experience from humble beginnings as a teenager 20 years ago already focused on affiliate marketing and failing for 10 years while everyone around him thought he was wasting his time, Igor has emerged as one of the most focused achievers winning top affiliate in any market he goes after for the last 10 years and his training is hailed by many of the best in the business as the training that turned their life around as well. Igor is still humble while attaining the level of success that all the pretenders and fake gurus can only hope for while they pose in front of rented sports cars or other people’s mansions. Igor, a recent immigrant to Canada from Isreal lives in a modest home in a nice neighbourhood near Toronto with his wife and 2 small children while working 6 hours a day to build his empire while working from home because that’s how it’s done, right? Igor makes more money than anyone else I know of in this space because he doesn’t waste any of his energy on anything I have mentioned in the other areas of MMO marketing online. He doesn’t build websites, he doesn’t create videos for anyone else’s products. He simply arbitrates niche-specific traffic, selling clicks at a higher price than he pays for them himself. The beauty of this is that there is no risk for this business model because he gets paid for clicks he is selling to affiliate marketers and then he buys clicks that he knows will deliver buyers to the destination target. He also applies clicks that cost him his own real money at high-value affiliate offers while putting himself in the middle using a splash page to collect the email addresses of those who click through building his own qualified list of buyers on a per niche basis. The result is that he makes money passively when serving others with arbitrated click sales and he makes great money when he applies all that he learned about affiliate marketing with the very focused niche lists that he accumulates by applying exactly what he is selling – clicks. The net result for him is a self-funding, ever-growing, list of lists that any competitor would die for at no net cost to himself. Ultimately, in all things affiliate sales, the only thing of any real value is “the list” and the only way to build the list is with traffic. He has solved it all while over 99% of all affiliate wanna be’s fail because they simply haven’t figured out how to get traffic. If you have a reasonable offer and you can drive qualified traffic to it you will succeed. He finally figured that out 10 years ago and now he spends a fortune on traffic to resell as traffic while studying the results of others to determine the best sources of traffic he resells for the specific niche’s his clients aim at. He then applies that knowledge to direct very high close ratio clicks to his own high-value affiliate offers on a per niche basis. This is the most profitable business model available but it isn’t for the faint-hearted. It really brings home the old saying that “It takes money to make money”. If you have 0 a month you can afford to invest or lose in traffic clicks then you can play this game. There are no guarantees but the odds are pretty good you’re going to significantly win if you apply his tactics to his suggested affiliate market targets using his suggested squeeze pages that are proven to provide consistent results on hot products that change from month to month or even week to week while you simultaneously build your proven buyer list. Here’s a secret you might not know – many of the TOP AFFILIATE marketers are using his clicks to drive traffic to their business and affiliate offers and succeeding while pretending that their success is all due to their own products. If you want to turn the flood of actual buyer traffic on right now then slow down a bit before you make a big mistake on your own and take in his “301K Challenge” training course. If you do, you will be launched into a mind-bending world of self-awareness and come to recognize what has been holding you back from success. Then check out his next-level training and do them in this order – “Elite Traffic Pro 2.0” and then “Elite Affiliate Pro“. His webinars will change everything you thought you already knew. This is only for the brave who are actually action takers. Yes, I bought into this one as well and I am thankful I did. It is a cruel world out there but the simple reality is that if you build it, and for most, traffic won’t come soon enough to keep you in business while SEO, blogs, websites and e-commerce stores are building their gravity over time. Most affiliates are doing the right things in their chosen niches but simply run out of runway (cash) before they can successfully launch their own (Field of Dreams) enterprise. The cruel fact is buyers don’t show up just because you built something. Here is another self-evident truth – you only have limited time in your life and each hour of your life is worth a lot more than nothing. You shouldn’t be leaving the value of your time out of your valuation of the cost of waiting for someone to stumble onto your offer versus sending qualified traffic to your offer right now. Not taking action right now is costing you everything you ever hoped for. So … take action now by attending the webinars provided by these people to see what they are doing and how you could apply what you learned to your own life or business. Be prepared to take a lot of notes because it comes at you real fast. Personally, I just do screen captures of each screen and pop them into a Google Doc. It’s so easy to do and there for you to review in a quiet moment at a later time if you chose not to take action at that specific moment in time. Sincerely and humbly, Gerry Bakker
Negosentro.com - The Blog for Small Business Owners Negosentro was created for entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs to share ideas and insights on how to grow their enterprise.
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