Polo Club of Data Science @ Georgia Tech: Human-Centered AI, Deep Learning Interpretation & Visualization, Cybersecurity, Large Graph Visualization and Mining Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA 30332, United States | At Georgia Tech, we innovate scalable, interactive, and interpretable tools that amplify human’s ability to understand and interact with billion-scale data and machine learning models. Our current research thrusts: human-centered AI (interpretable, fair, safe AI; adversarial ML); large graph visualization and mining; cybersecurity; and social good (health, energy). At Georgia Tech, we innovate scalable, interactive, and interpretable tools that amplify human’s ability to understand and interact with billion-scale data and machine learning models. Our current research thrusts: human-centered AI (interpretable, fair, safe AI; adversarial ML); large graph visualization and mining; cybersecurity; and social good (health, energy).