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DEVONtechnologies | DEVONthink, DEVONagent, and other Mac and iOS apps for document and information management and web research DEVONtechnologies develops DEVONthink, DEVONagent, and other Mac and iOS apps for document and information management and web research.
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Windows Clipboard Software, Clipboard Manager and Clipboard Viewer - if you ever use CTRL-C, you need ClipMagic! ClipMagic is the Windows clipboard software for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 that speeds up your copy and paste. Fed up with copying and pasting one piece of text at a time? Fed up with Repetition? If you use CTRL-C or Edit/Copy then you need ClipMagic!
DataWorks DataWorks is equipped to provide data processing and content processing services and technology products to publishers, media, legal and information services companies. Our services and solutions deliver huge cost margins, quality and time-to-market for our clients.
D3M | Design, Document, Deliver & Manage Your Networks A sales and diagramming tool to enhance your digital sales process by enabling remote customer collaboration and simplifying information to close deals faster.
GetDigest | Get a document summary. Fast! GetDigest is a specially designed plugin for extending the usual interface with special features for minimizing text information amounts needed for documents review. It will become a reliable and useful assistant in everyday work.
ESI : Ecole des Sciences de l'Information L'École des sciences de l'information (ESI) est un établissement d'enseignement supérieur public à Rabat qui fait partie des grandes écoles ne relevant pas de l'université. Elle est sous la tutelle du Haut-Commissariat au Plan (HCP). Selon le classement de la Direction de la Formation des Cadres du Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieure de la Recherche Scientifique et de la Formation des cadres, l’ESI fait partie des Etablissements à caractère scientifique et technique (dont entre autres les écoles d’Ingénieurs). L'ESI a pour mission principale d'assurer la formation, la formation continue et la recherche dans les domaines des sciences de l'information, notamment l’ingénierie et la gestion du contenu, de l'information et de la connaissance. Elle délivre quatre diplômes : Informatiste spécialisé (Classes Prépa + 3ans) , Master , Master spécialisé et Doctorat. Les lauréats de l’ESI exercent aussi bien dans le secteur public, semi public et privé, qu’au sein de plusieurs multinationales au Maroc et à l’étranger.
Document Management System - Infobuilder Technologies, Inc. | Home An Information Technology firm that pioneers in introducing Document Management System (DMS) solutions in the Philippines.
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Complete Content Services Platform For Information Governance Everteam’s Enterprise Content Management solution allows rapid deployment of applications that connect people, process and content. Our Content Services platform combine advanced business process management capabilities with complete document management functionality to enable complex workflows in seamless solutions.
Information Management Solutions - Kodak Alaris Turn data chaos into information that drives actionable insight. Transform your business with innovative document management solutions from Kodak Alaris.
Document Center, Inc. | Your Online Library of US and International Standards Search Document Center''s online database of US and international standards, place orders for documents, learn about the standards industry.
Therefore | Connecting people, processes and information Therefore information solutions in Vienna, Austria help companies all around the world to work smarter by connecting people and processes to information. Our software makes it possible to store, manage, process and analyze all kinds of business information throughout your organization.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office - GOV.UK The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has closed. It’s been replaced by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). FCDO guidance, services and information These services are now provided by FCDO: foreign travel advice consular help and services abroad document legislation History of FCO FCO was a ministerial department from October 1968 to September 2020. It merged with the Department for International Development to create FCDO.
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