Lady Beatrix - Modern Etiquette for Modern Ladies Lady Beatrix teaches women how to become sophisticated modern ladies through weekly modern etiquette lessons. By learning proper etiquette you will be able to confidently and seamlessly move through life.
Business Etiquette and Modern Manners Expert Lydia Ramsey Let Lydia Ramsey help you grow your business and increase your profits with modern manners, business etiquette, proper protocol, and professional conduct.
Etiquette Lessons | The British School of Etiquette The UK's leading certified etiquette consultancy and modern finishing school providing etiquette lessons to individuals, groups and businesses.
The Geeky Hostess: Recipes, Crafts, and Entertaining for your Inner Geek Recipes, crafts, gift and entertaining ideas and etiquette for today\'s modern geek. With step by step instructions and vlogs for the projects, it\'s easy to