Online fundraising donations and ideas - JustGiving Fundraise or donate with JustGiving, the worlds leading online fundraising platform, helping charities to make more with GiftAid
Charity Choice | Charity Directory - List of Charities - Online Fundraising Charity Choice is a charity directory and fundraising website with a list of all UK registered charities. Donate online to charity, volunteer, fundraise with charity events, leave a gift in your will, give goods donations, sponsor a friend, and more.
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Breast Cancer Network Australia Homepage Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) works to ensure a better journey for all Australians affected by breast cancer.
Unicef UK - Children's charity - For Every Child in Danger Unicef is the world’s leading organisation working for children in danger. Make a donation, fundraise or campaign – help us keep children safe.
Charity Shop | Online Donation Sites | Fundraising Ideas - iGive Support any charity while you shop at iGive. Make a purchase at our 2,300 partner stores and up to 26% will be donated to a cause of your choice. Register today!