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線上美語學習 | 台灣美語通 台灣美語通成立於2016年2月。 自從創立來,我們的目標一直是提供一個跨國的多功能平台。我們的第一個宗旨是透過分享我們到台灣每一個角落的旅記的互動與溝通用中文和美語對照格式來為全球網友打開一扇窗。我們會努力的帶給您台灣的最好的一面,並為台灣與全世界語言和文化交流,搭起堅固的橋樑。 Our first aim is to open up a window for global net users through the sharing of interactions and communications of our trips to every corner of Taiwan in Chinese and English comparison format. We strive to bring you the very best of Taiwan and to build a firm bridge for language and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and the globe.
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Philipscom Associates ~ Philip Verghese Ariel's Jottings A multilingual freelance writer, who writes in English and in the Malayalam language. I translate articles from English to Malayalam, also shares my experience of WordPress, blogging, and SEO.
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Blindeman Websites | Naomi ♥ www I create websites for individuals, small businesses, and large companies alike. My particular ability and focus as a web designer is to translate a client’s…
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A No-Code platform for Excel Users - SpreadsheetWeb SpreadsheetWeb is a no-code platform that helps businesses translate their collective Excel expertise into robust web applications with no IT support.
Landing Page - China Tafseer This is your site''s landing page. 首次用中文解释《古兰经》 أول تفسير للقرآن الكريم باللغة الصينية. The first qura''an translation with Chinese commentary.