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DHIU - Darul Huda Islamic University DHIU was established as an Islamic Academy in 1986 and formally upgraded to a university in May 2009. The philosophy upheld by DHIU was the unique product of prolonged discourses and deliberations among great visionary scholars and supportive community leaders who were deeply concerned about the dichotomous view towards education as religious and secular. M.M. Basheer Musliyar(1929-1987), C.H Haidaroos Musliyar (1930-1994),Dr. U Bapputty Haji (1929-2003),Sayyid Umar Ali Shihab Thangal,Panakkad (1941-2008),Pro. E. Muhmmed (1944-2010) and Shaikhna Cherussery Zainundheen Musliyar (1937-2016) came and work together in order to bring Islamic education in true and traditional way.
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