The most comprehensive list of original educational websites last updated on Aug 1 2023.
Stats collected from various trackers included with free apps.
Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans | Teachers Pay Teachers World’s most popular online marketplace for original educational resources with more than four million resources available for use today.
Photo.net - Where Photographers Inspire Each Other Photo.net is an online community for photographers.  Photo.net has extensive photo galleries covering over 30 categories, articles on photography and over 40 active photography forums. People use photo.net to learn through photo critiques, ask questions and get answers in our forums, participate in photo contest but also simply display and share their photography in our galleries.  As a community member your photography can be featured as an editors'' pick, photo of the day or photo of the week. If you are a photographer looking to for a peer to peer educational platform, join the original online photography community.  Circa 1993.
Original United States Rediscover America with Liberty''s Kids! Watch All 40 Episodes Free no login or e-mail required. If you think an educational cartoon is an oxymoron, this excellent Emmy and Humanitas Aw...
menu We are Creavids, literally meaning creavitve animated video We believe every brand has a story. We work with our clients to help them identify that story and showcase it in the way your target audience will connect with. Our goal is to produce quality content that helps our clients fulfill the purpose that they started the project with. Being a part of over 1000 videos globally, we are a team of passionate artists. Integrity, flexibility, transparency and of course creativity are some of the things that you can depend upon us for. We are not afraid to put our money where our mouth is, we offer you unlimited edits during the video production process and even refund your money if the product is not worth the buck you paid us. Talk to us about what we can do for you.
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