The most comprehensive list of peer reviewed websites last updated on Aug 1 2023.
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Frontiers | Peer Reviewed Articles - Open Access Journals Open-access publisher of peer-reviewed scientific articles across the entire spectrum of academia. Research network for academics to stay up-to-date with the latest scientific publications, events, blogs and news.
IRJET-International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology IRJET- International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology is an peer reviewed open access,monthly journal published by Fast Track Publications...
JournalOnWeb: Online manuscript submission and processing Publishers of peer reviewed, open access, scholarly / academic, journals, provides publishing services to learned societies and associations
Dove Medical Press - Open Access Publisher of Medical Journals Dove Press is a member of the Open Access Initiative, specializing in peer reviewed Medical Journals. View articles or submit your research for publishing.
Online International Journal, Peer Reviewed Scholarly Journals IJSER is an open access international journal or a large number of high quality and peer reviewed research publishing in all the fields of science, engineering and technology.
iMedPub LTD | Peer Reviewed Open Access Journals & Articles Publishing Company iMedPub LTD is a new approach to scientific publishing. As an open service to scientists, it is driven by researchers for researchers, while serving the interests of the general public.
IJERT – International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology - Quickly publish your original papers in Peer Reviewed, High Impact, Open Access, Broad Scope, Widely Indexed & Fast Track Journal & Get Free Hard Copies, Certificate of Publication - Launched in 2012
Our international, peer reviewed journals publish high quality science and provide an excellent service to our authors and readers.
A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal | JournalNX JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal is the international journal of scientific research to publish peer reviewed articles of engineering science and technology with peer review process, JournalNX is an open access, highly indexed, monthly online international journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR): Call for Papers Call for Papers - International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) is a Fully Refereed - Peer Reviewed International Journal. Notably, it is a Referred, Highly Indexed, Online International Journal with High Impact Factor.
IJCRT( ISSN: 2320-2882 ) International Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal apply for | UGC Approved Journal, ugc approved journal, ugc approved list of journal, ugc care journal, care journal, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc care list 2020, ugc care approved journal, ugc care list 2020, new ugc approved journal in 2020, Low cost research journal, Online international research journal, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, scholarly journals, impact factor 7.97 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool) ugc approved journal,ugc care journal, ugc care approved journal, Apply for ugc approved journal, ugc approved list of journal, ugc care journal, care journal, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc care list 2020, ugc care approved journal, ugc care list 2020, new ugc approved journal in 2020, IJCRT - international Research Journal, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS , Low cost research journal, Online international research journal, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, scholarly journals, UGC Approved journal, ugc approved,ugc, ugc certify, publish free of cost, free publication, UGC and ISSN Approved , International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal , ISSN: 2320-2882 Impact Factor : 7.97 , E- journal, Low Cost INR 500, Free Publication
JoVE | Peer Reviewed Scientific Video Journal - Methods and Protocols JoVE publishes peer-reviewed scientific video protocols to accelerate biological, medical, chemical and physical research. Watch our scientific video articles.
wjir.org: World Journal of Innovative Research is an international high impact peer reviewed open access engineering, science, technology, medical journal that publishes articles online and indexed in many database like google scholar .
Scopus Indexed, SSRG International Journals, Engineering and Technology, Science and Humanities Scopus Indexed Journal, International Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, Social Science & Humanities Journals, open access journals, Peer Reviewed Engineering Journals, High impact Factor Journals, Fast & Easy Publication Journal, UGC approved Journal, Scopus Indexed Journal, Top engineering journal, Seventh Sense Research Group, SSRG.
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology aims to publish high quality papers (Click here for Types of paper) in all areas of ‘Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology research’. The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results. This is a quality controlled, OPEN peer reviewed, open access INTERNATIONAL journal.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research IJSTR is an open access quality publication of peer reviewed and refereed international journals. IJSTR calls for research papers
GreenMedInfo - The World''s Natural Health Resource | GreenMedInfo The world''s most widely referenced, evidence-based, natural health resource with over 10,000 health topics and 50,000 peer reviewed abstracts.
Peer Reviewed Journals, Open access Journals: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) is an open access, peer-reviewed, International Journal, that provides rapid publication (monthly) of research articles, review articles and short communications in all subjects. IJAR has got Impact factor of 6.118 and highest Index Copernicus value of 56.43.
ø Global Journals Incorporated USA Research Publishing ø Global Journals Incorporated is one of the world’s leading print, international, peer reviewed and open access research publisher with 7000+ articles published since more than a decade. Thanks to the trust of thousands received from renowned authors and universities.
Lupine Publishers | Open Access Journals Publishers Lupine Publishers is is an online publishing house, which has multidisciplinary, scholarly Open Access journals promoting scientific research via its Peer reviewed articles and by archiving highly standard articles in respective journals.
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal | Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal is an international, peer reviewed quarterly research journal Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal (BPJ) is an international, open access, peer reviewed, quarterly research journal.
CyberLeninka open science hub. We let you download any academic research paper for free. CyberLeninka is online sci-hub library based on the open science paradigm. We host open access peer reviewed academic journals in which every research paper is free to download.
Open Access Journals | Peer Reviewed Journals | Gavin Publishers Gavin Publishers are Open-access publisher of peer-reviewed scientific articles in medical field
Welcome to Bentham Science Publishers | Bentham Science, discovery drug,pharmaceutical research and development, medical subspecialties, engineering, technology, and social sciences,medicinal,patents,chemistry,publication,healthcare,peer reviewed articles,journal article,medicinal chemistry books,pharmaceutical analysis,electronic journals,science publishers,medical publishers Bentham Science - STM publisher of online and print journals, and related print/online book series. Bentham Science answers the information needs of scientists in the fields of pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical, engineering, technology, computer and social sciences.
Medknow Publications: Publisher of peer reviewed scholarly journals (Open access / subscription based) Publishers of peer reviewed, open access, scholarly / academic, journals, provides publishing services to learned societies and associations
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IJNTR| Best International peer reviewed online Journals to Publish Research Paper|Qualis Indexed Journal International Journal of New Technology and Research(IJNTR) is an open way in peer reviewed international journals to publish research papers. IJNTR call for paper is open for year 2020.
IJSRD Call for Papers & International Journal of Science IJSRD Indian journal, call for papers & thesis publication is an Open-Access peer reviewed International Journals of engineering, Science & Technologies
IRJIS | International Research Journal on Islamic Studies International Research Journal on Islamic Studies (IRJIS) is a peer reviewed International scholarly journal published by Al-Riaz Quranic Academy.
International European Extended Enablement in Science, Engineering & Management (IEEESEM) Journal International European Extended Enablement in Science, Engineering & Management (IEEESEM) Journal is peer reviewed scholarly publication.
Scholarly Open Access Peer Reviewed Medical Science Journals | Austin Publishing Group Austin Publishing Group is dedicated for publishing informative journals in various Fields of Scholarly Open Access Peer reviewed Medical Science Journals.
Low Processing Fee Journal in EEE/ECE/E&I/ECE/ETE - Impact Factor-7.122 - Home International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) is a scholarly international journal that publishes original research articles in the fields of Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation. IJAREEIE is an open access and peer reviewed monthly international journal.
IJERD International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD) is an open access online and offline peer reviewed international journal that publishes research..call for paper 2012, hard copy of journal, research paper publishing, where to publish research paper, journal publishing, how to publish research paper, Call For research paper, international journal, publishing a paper, IJERD, journal of science and technology, how to get a research paper published, publishing a paper, publishing of journal, publishing of research paper, reserach and review articles, IJERD Journal, How to publish your research paper, publish research paper, open access engineering journal, Engineering journal, Mathemetics journal, Physics journal, Chemistry journal, Computer Engineering, Computer Science journal, how to submit your paper, peer reviw journal, indexed journal, reserach and review articles, engineering journal, www.ijerd.com, research journals, yahoo journals, bing journals, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, google journals, hard copy of journal, journal of engineering, online Submission, http://www.ijerd.com, monthly journals
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation:IJREI International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation (IJREI), is an international peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary online journal. The journal emboldens all experienced and qualified researcher and scientist to share their research work and experiences.
Best International Journal, Peer Reviewed Journal, Indexed Journal, ijtsrd.com IJTSRD is a International Journal, Peer Reviewed Journal, open access Best International Journal provides rapid publication of articles in multidisciplinary. Contact us at editor.ijtsrd@gmail.com
Space and Culture, India Space and Culture, India - a Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal.
UGC Approved Journal International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research ..
World Agriculture An independent, peer reviewed journal for policy makers and practitioners in agriculture and related industries, assessing the interactions between population growth, resources, the environment and climate change.
International Journal of Agriculture And Biology Call for Papers - International Journal of Agriculture And Biology is a Peer Reviewed, Monthly, Open Access International Journal.
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies | Aquatic Journal International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies is a Peer Reviewed Journal. Prime Focus of the Journal to publish articles related to the current trends of research in fisheries and aquatic science. This Journal provides the platform with the aim of motivating the students and personals in the Fisheries and Aquatic Research and Development.
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) Multidisciplinary reputable Peer reviewed journal: widely Indexed, International, fast paper publication, and no deadline for paper submission.
IJRET - International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology IJRET : International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology is an international peer reviewed, open access journal published for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology.
Education Journal Education Journal are a reviewed, indexed, peer reviewed, refereed online and print journals that accepts research works from scholars, academicians, professors, doctorates, lecturers, and corporate in their respective expertise of studies. Work after publication will be retrievable on the website bifurcated based on issues of the month and its publication date.
Qualis Indexed | NAAS: 3.18 | Peer Reviewed Engineering Journal Peer reviewed International Engineering Journal and Science Journal with impact factor, crossRef DOI and hardcopy.
New Delhi Publishers | Peer Reviewed Scholarly Journal Publishers Welcome to New Delhi Publishers-Publisher of Scholarly Journals and Books, Founded with the aim to provide Peer Reviewed content to the scientific Community.
Global Media Journal | Peer Review | Articles List Global Media Journal, Open Access, List of highly accessed peer reviewed articles in Global Media Journal. 2016 Journal rank, impact factors and indexing
Low Cost Journal,International Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journals,Fast Paper Publication approved journal IJEDR(ISSN 2321-9939) apply for ugc care approved journal, UGC Approved Journal, ugc approved journal, ugc approved list of journal, ugc care journal, care journal, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc care list 2020, ugc care approved journal, ugc care list 2020, new ugc approved journal in 2020, Low cost research journal, Online international research journal, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, scholarly journals, impact factor 7.37 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool) ugc approved journal,ugc care journal, ugc care approved journal, Apply for ugc approved journal, ugc approved list of journal, ugc care journal, care journal, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc care list 2020, ugc care approved journal, ugc care list 2020, new ugc approved journal in 2020, IJEDR - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH , Low cost research journal, Online international research journal, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, scholarly journals, UGC Approved journal, ugc approved,ugc, ugc certify, publish free of cost, free publication, UGC and ISSN Approved , International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal , ISSN: 2320-2882 Impact Factor : 7.97 , E- journal, Low Cost INR 500, Free Publication
SciTeMed Publishing Group SciTeMed Publishing Group aims to provide a broad platform for researchers to publish high quality, blind peer reviewed articles. It is the leading blind peer reviewed, open access publishers of Science, Technology and Medical journals.
Global Journal of Management And Business Research International Peer Reviewed Journal for publication of Management and Business Organization Research paper, Review paper and Research articles having print journal, ejounral, online journal.