The most comprehensive list of publications home page websites last updated on Sep 1 2023.
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World Trade Organization - Home page - Global trade Global trade - The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that global trade flows smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
Civil Aviation Authority - Homepage Civil Aviation Authority regulate all aspects of civil aviation activities in line with international standards ensuring safety, security and environmental protection
Birds Queensland - Home Page Gives details of the aims and objectives of Birds Queensland, and Queensland Ornithological Society Inc. Member activities cover birding and the study of the species and habitats of Queensland birds, their ecological role, and outlines means of communication and education by way of meetings, walks, surveys, twitchathons, camps, excursions and publications such as brochures, newsletters and quarterly journal, access to reference and lending library. The organisation encourages people to join Birds Queensland as a member and welcomes their participation in projects and the management of Birds Queensland.
AEPMA Home page for the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association website with links finding a pest manager, new, codes of practice, and frequently asked questions.
DC Velocity Home Page DC Velocity offers comprehensive logistics coverage including distribution center and warehouse operations, the transport of goods and freight, technologies that support and integrate the two, and the strategies that optimize logistics.
arrow-right2 Home page for Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) website describes IDA and provides photos and links to recent research, publications, and the IDA-at-a-glance infographic.