Whyline Our solution virtualizes the entire queuing process for companies and governments by allowing their customers to see the live wait-times for their destination of choice and enter the line remotely from any location.
Queue Management System | Digital Queuing to Eliminate Lines | QLess Get rid of busy waiting rooms and long lines with QLess electronic queue management. Gain high satisfaction rates and valuable data. Request a free demo now!
TAOS Data | Big Data Platform Designed and Optimized for IoT TDengine is an open-source big data platform for IoT. Along with a 10x faster time-series database, it provides caching, stream computing, message queuing, and other functionalities. It is designed and optimized for Internet of Things, Connected Cars, and Industrial IoT.
Aishwarya Enterprises - Manufacturer of Digital Display & Machine Lamp from Coimbatore Digital Display, Machine Lamp & Bank Token System & Queuing Systems Manufacturer offered by Aishwarya Enterprises from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Olik | No More Waiting We hate when people have to wait. At the heart of Olik, we love our time and we honestly just want to make your lives better by doing something better than queuing and waiting.
CloudAMQP - RabbitMQ as a Service Managed RabbitMQ servers hosted in the cloud. Decouple your applications with the speed of CloudAMQP, a highly available message queuing service.