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We appreciate you and God bless you! Click here for more information. https://anointedtube.com/landing/#section_title_1 . https://anointedtube.com/ is reaching out to people from 153 countries Preachers from America on Anointedtube include Bishop T.D. Jakes, Dr. Kenneth Copeland, Pastor Joel Osteen, Dr. Cindy Trimm, Archbishop Veron Ashe, Bishop Paul S Morton, Bishop Gilbert E. Patterson, Pastor Kenneth E Hagin, Dr. Creflo Dollar, Prophetess Juanita Bynum, Bishop Noel Jones, Pastor John Osteen, Dr. Bill WInston, Dr Charles Stanley, Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, Bishop Timothy J. Clarke, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Pastor Shirley Caesar, Jesse Duplantis, Dr Lester Sumrall, Rev Dr Oral Roberts, Apostle Dr. Leroy Thompson, Pastor Ed Young, Pastor Paula White, Pastor Benny Hinn, Pastor Jimmy Evans, Dr T L Osborn, Dr. Nasir Siddiki, Dr Marilyn Hickey, Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Pastor Carl Lentz, Dr David Jeremiah, Apostle Ron Carpenter, Papa Morris Cerullo, Pastor John Hagee, Pastor John K. 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Preachers from Australia on Anointedtube include Pastor Brian Houston, Pastor Clive Pawson, Pastor Tak Bhana, Pastor Mike Connell, Ptr Ryan Escobar, Rev Suliasi Kurulo, Rev. Albert Alquero, Pastor John Cameron, Pastor Danny Nalliah, Nick Vujicic, Geoff Bullock, Evangelist Tim Hall, Darlene Zschech and a lot more. Preachers from Europe on Anointedtube include Archbishop John Sentamu, Revd Colin Dye, Dr. Tayo Adeyemi, Dr. Ramson Mumba, Dr George Verwer, Bishop Michael Hutton-Wood, Dr Alister McGrath, Rev Cannon J John, Rt Revd Dr Tom Wright, Pastor Charles Dexter A. Benneh, Bishop John Francis, Rev Nicky Gumbel, Rev Mike Kola Ewuosho, Bishop Michael Reid, Rev Mike Pilavachi, Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Bishop Francis Sarpong, Charlie Mackesy and a lot more. Preachers from The Caribbean on Anointedtube include Rev Dr. Myles Munroe, Bishop Neil Ellis, Bishop Dr. GG Cooper, Bishop Herro Blair, Rev Al Miller. Motivational Speakers on Anointedtube include Rick Warren, Pastor Nick Vujicic, Robert Kiyosaki, Dr Todd Coontz, Tony Robbins, Dr Jordan B Peterson, June Collier, Dr Norman Vincent Peale, Les Brown, Scott Klososky, Ralph Gilles, Dr Wayne Dyer, Mark Victor Hansen, Jim Rohn, John Maxwell, Jack Ma, Zig Ziglar, Bob Proctor, Napoleon Hill, Brigitte Gabriel, Dr. Mike Murdock, Prof Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba, Dr. Robert H. Schuller, Jay Shetty. Spanish Preachers on Anointedtube include Evangelista Yiye Avila, Pastor Marcos Witt, Apostol Cash Luna, Apテウstol Wanda Rolon, Pastor Ruddy Gracia, Apostol Raul Avila, Pastor Dante Gebel, Jesテコs Adriテ。n Romero, Pastor Marcos Barrientos, Roberto Orellana, Alex Campos, Apテウstol Guillermo Maldonado, Coalo Zamorano, Daniel Calveti and a lot more. Portuguese Preachers on Anointedtube include Apテウstolo Valdemiro Santiago, Bispo Edir Macedo, Pastor Silas Malafaia, Pr Elson de Assis, Leandro Borges, Fabiana Anastテ。cio, Bruna Karla, Cantor Clayton Queiroz, Eliane Silva, Marquinhos Gomes, Pastor Lucinho Barreto, Pastora Edmテゥia Williams, Pastora Tテ「nia Tereza, Ednaldo Mendes, Pr Luciano Subirテ。, Pr Claudio Duarte, Tiago Brunet, Pr. Hernane Santos,Pr. Josuテゥ Gonテァalves and a lot more. French Preachers on Anointedtube include Pasteur Gregory Toussaint, Papa et Maman Olangi, Apotre Wallo Mustsenga, Pasteur Ghislain BIABATANTOU, Alain Moloto, Pasteur Marcello Tunasi, Pasteur Athoms MBUMA, ArchBishop Diamant Bob Kalonji, Frティre Rigobert Katombi, Pasteur Givelord, Pasteur Mohammed Sanogo, Pasteur Alexandre Amazou, Pasteur Mamadou KARAMBIRI, Prophete Philip Banda, Rテゥvテゥrend Raoul Wafo, Pasteur Daniel Vindigni, Pasteur Yvan Castanou and a lot more. Music Videos on Anointedtube include African Gospel Music Videos, American Gospel Music Videos, Asian Gospel Music Videos, Australian Gospel Music Videos and European Gospel Music Videos. Movies on Anointedtube include Great Movies, Bible Movies, Documentaries and Drama.
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Home The corporate EHS function, which oversees environmental, health and safety compliance began to merge at the management level around 1990. The first area is environmental management, which emerged as a profession in the 1970s, following the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other state-level regulatory systems. As companies began limiting waste to prevent pollution, they needed engineers to adapt scrubbers, filters, and other process changes to existing manufacturing systems. Workplace safety and occupational health also grew in importance during this time, with the passage of legislation such as the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Over time, companies developed systematic way of complying with environmental, health and safety regulations. Corporations began tracking key measures and looking for ways to improve their performance. Then, in the 1990s, improvements in data technology management made it easier for an organization to analyze its operations. Around that time, corporations began to merge oversight for environmental, health and safety programs through a new management role called EHS. The newly appointed leaders, who began their careers in one of the three sub-disciplines, started to create systems to drive EHS progress across all operations. Today, with the advent of sustainability, EHS professionals are leading corporate efforts toward sustainability. Building on their decades of experience, EHS leaders are striving to meet this challenge, creating systems to reduce energy use, conserve water, and better communicate with stakeholders. Indeed, a 2009 survey found that two-thirds of the sustainability initiatives at member companies are being led or managed by the EHS
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