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App Cloner - Official Home Page Welcome to the official home page of App Cloner. App Cloner lets you create & install multiple copies of Android apps. App Cloner is the only multi-account app that creates true, independent, installable clones. Follow @AppCloner on Twitter https://twitter.com/AppCloner to get notified about new features and updates. Visit the App Cloner Blog at https://appcloner.blog to learn more about App Cloner and find tutorials on many features. Description Please read about the incompatibilities below. You can get in touch at support@appcloner.app. We''re happy to provide support and answer your questions. Cloned apps run in parallel and work independently from their original apps. They will not receive automatic updates so you can keep and run a stable version alongside the original app. App cloning can be useful to simultaneously use multiple logins in apps such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter but the real fun starts by messing around with an app. App Cloner offers a multitude of modding options to tweak the new app copy. You can change the app name and icon. You can remove permissions or allow a cloned app to be installed on the SD-card. You can disable auto-start and wake locks. Or convert your app into a floating window app. App Cloner can extend a cloned app to add functionality such as password protection, incognito mode, hiding the Android ID or spoofing locations. You can also force the app to consume data over Wi-Fi only. There are over 200 app customization options and each update will add more. Premium version features The free version allows basic cloning. Upgrade to premium to enjoy the full set of premium options: • Clone premium apps (Instagram, Messenger, Gmail, YouTube, Fake GPS apps, Bukalapak, VK, Parallel Space, etc.) • Create multiple app clones & use batch cloning • Save / backup cloned apps • Replace launcher icons Identity & tracking options: • Change or hide Android ID, IMEI / IMSI, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth MAC • Change Google Advertising ID & Google Service Framework (GSF) ID • Change WebView User-Agent • Hide Wi-Fi info, GPU info, hide SIM & operator info • Randomize build props to prevent device fingerprinting Privacy options: • Password-protect apps, including Stealth mode • Fake calculator app • Disable access to accounts, contacts, calendar, call log & clipboard • Exclude app from recents • Incognito mode for apps, incognito keyboard • Remove permissions & disable permission prompts • Spoof GPS location • Hide mock location • Fake time zone • Disable sensors access, fake environment sensors • Disable accessibility access • Prevent screenshots • In-app floating keyboard • Disable auto-fill & clipboard access • Exit app on screen off, ''sneeze'' to exit • Hide root & presence of other apps • Disable Logcat logging • Disable share actions • Disable device admins & accessbility services • Change Knox Warranty Bit Display options: • Change status, navigation and toolbar colors • Invert colors / dark mode • Allow dark mode (Android 10) • Change the rotation lock • Modify views & replace text on screen • Change the app display size, language & default font • Keep screen on, immersive mode • Floating apps & free-form windows • Multi-window & picture-in-picture support • Flip screen / HUD mode • Hide notch & use larger aspect ratios • In-app live chat • WebView text zoom • Zoomable image views • Blur image views • Allow screenshots, text selection & share image views • Long-press to copy text or enable views • Reveal password fields • Skip dialogs • Add splash screen & welcome message • Always allow copy & paste • Screen saver • RTL (right-to-left) support • Color filter • Change or disable activity transitions Media options: • Mute or set volume on start • Mute while app in foreground or for text on screen • Prevent app from changing volume • Start sound • Disable cameras & mic • Disable audio focus (allow playing audio / video alongside other apps) • Disable Chromecast button • Show on secondary display • Volume rocker locker & indicator • Disable haptic feedback • Audio playback capture • Preferred camera app for Android 11 Navigation options: • Floating Back button • Confirm app exit • Minimize on Back • Shake to exit app • Swipe to go back • Long-press Back & fingerprint sensor actions • Long-press Back for options menu • Fingerprint sensor & volume key actions • Kiosk mode • Reprogram volume keys • Popup blocker • Activity monitor & Block activities Storage options: • Install app to SD-card • Disable photo & media access • Redirect external storage • Prevent app backup • Prompt to keep app data on uninstall • Bundle SD-card directories or exported app data • Bundle original app • Clear cache on app exit • Securely delete files & directories on app exit Launching options: • Remove widgets & launcher icon • Add internal activities as launcher icons • Disable auto-start • Make app persistent • Disable background services • Disable app defaults • Start app via secret dialer code or outgoing call • Quick settings tile • Disable wake locks, modify job scheduling • Fake battery level • Request to ignore battery optimizations • Make home, camera or assist app • Start other app • Start / exit app for S-pen, headphone or power events • Disable screen on / off events • Start app when external storage is mounted • Launch app with NFC tag Networking options: • Disable all networking • Disable / enable networking manually via notification • Disable mobile data, background networking or networking when screen is off • Disable networking when not connected to VPN • Mock Wi-Fi / mobile / Ethernet connection • SOCKS proxy • Show IP info • Disable clear-text networking Notification options: • Notification filter & notification quiet time • Silence notifications & change vibration • Change notification color & lights • Snooze notifications & notification timeout • Change notification visibility & priority • Remove & replace notification icons & actions • Single notification group • Change notification text & categories • Add notification dots to app icons • Filter toasts & change toast position, duration & opacity • Show toasts as notifications • Invert toasts Game options: • Copy or bundle OBB expansion files • Key mapper • FPS monitor Android TV & Wear OS options: • Android TV launcher support • Change Android TV banner image • Joystick pointer for incompatible apps • Picture-in-picture support • Use TV version on mobile devices • Remove & make watch apps Automation options: • Set brightness on start • Do not Disturb, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth & auto-rotate controls • Set clipboard data on start • Execute Tasker tasks • Auto-press buttons • Auto-scroller • Flashlight while app is open Developer options: • Change app version name & code • Hide developer mode • Logcat viewer • Change Target SDK version, Android version & build props • App valid from / until • Custom permissions Incompatibilities Not all apps can be cloned! Cloned apps may crash, show errors or work incorrectly. Features that depend on the app certificate like Google logins, Google Play Services, Google Play Games, Google Drive backup or in-app purchases WILL NOT WORK! Cloning an app will change its certificate, which means the clone may not work in case the app validates the certificate or uses advanced copy-protection. Some apps that CANNOT be cloned: • AliExpress • Dana • eBay (still works before Android 8.0) • Evernote • GCash • Grab • Kodi • Lazada • LINE • OneDrive • OVO • paytm (some users have reported issues) • Pokemon GO • Skype for Business • Snapchat • Tokopedia (login not possible) • Trello • Viber • WeChat • WhatsApp, GBWhatsApp, YoWhatsApp, etc. • Yandex Go • Most Google apps (however, Chrome, Gmail & YouTube work fine with some limitations) • Most Microsoft apps (however, Skype & LinkedIn work fine) Use ''Report app issue'' to report a problem with a cloned app. To install the clones from your device you need to enable Settings > Security > Unknown sources. If the Install button is disabled or doesn''t click, you must temporarily disable overlay apps such as chat heads, blue light filters or floating widgets. You can enable the App Cloner Install Service to fully automate app installations (see App Cloner Settings). Anti-virus apps may show warnings for cloned apps. These warnings are false positives and can be ignored. They are caused by the unofficial certificate used to sign cloned APKs. The premium version supports 20 clones. You may donate to support the development of App Cloner and unlock unlimited clones. Certain options and features are also linked to donations. All donations (except Ultra) require the premium version. Larger donations do NOT include smaller donations. App Cloner purchases and donations need to be activated via the internet and may be used on up to 5 personal devices. If you no longer use a device you can disable it yourself via Purchases > Manage devices (you can disable one device per month and purchase / donation). App Cloner 2.0 introduces premium subscriptions, which is the same as premium but also includes new premium modding options added in App Cloner 2.0 and later. The purchase is valid for a full year and does not get renewed automatically. App Cloner and generated clones may not be compatible with Android emulators, rooted Android devices and / or devices with custom ROMs. All product and brand names mentioned above are property of their respective owners. App Cloner and the App Cloner logo are registered trademarks.