PlasTechTrade - Plastics industry dedicated worldwide business listing directory platform is for all those Manufacturers, Suppliers, professionals or people who are always on the lookout for materials, machines, molds, mechanical, technical services or products of plastic industry.
PlasTechTrade - Plastics industry dedicated worldwide business listing directory platform is for all those Manufacturers, Suppliers, professionals or people who are always on the lookout for materials, machines, molds, mechanical, technical services or products of plastic industry.
An industrial and technical B2B marketing agency | TriComB2B TriComB2B is unabashedly devoted to industrial and technical B2B marketing, helping customers design simple, effective ways to connect with audiences, no matter how complex your story.
Onsite IT, Consumer support Service and Training Solution in Bangalore, India | DeltaDynamix DeltaDynamix provides Onsite IT, Consumer Support Service and Training Solutions in Bangalore, India. Find ✓Computer, ✓Laptop Repair and Services with 15 minute response time and 3 hour resolution time 24*7*365.
Conversational Ticketing for Ops Teams That Love Slack & Microsoft Teams | Halp A helpdesk built specifically for operations teams using Slack and Microsoft Teams. Assign, prioritize, & answer requests with ease. As a conversational ticketing solution for modern internal operations teams, Halp gets teams to faster response times, more productive operational support teams, and happier employees.
netmedia * Continuous software delivery service Business and organizations looking for transformation, optimization and new opportunities based on technology partner with us in continuous building and support of Software products, Web platforms, business management systems and Mobile internal, B2B or B2C systems.