Popdust POPDUST brings you entertainment news and reviews, from hot new music to celebrity gossip, exclusive interviews, art, film, television and more. We report the best, worst and weirdest in pop culture.
Weird Worm - Weird and Bizarre What you need is weird and bizarre. Weird Worm will try to provide and present you weirdest and most bizarre stuff from the web
Oddee - Oddities, Weird Stuff, Strange Things in Our World Oddee has the oddest news, crazy events and tons of strange things and pictures. This is a weird world, and find the best, weirdest, oddest stuff at Oddee.com!
Linux & SteamOS gaming community | GamingOnLinux GamingOnLinux, the home of Linux and SteamOS gaming. Covering Linux Gaming News, Linux Games, SteamOS, Indie Game Reviews and more.
Home | Buzz.ie Buzz.ie is Ireland's best new media website, delivering top news, entertainment and sport coverage — along with the weirdest the web has to offer.